Originally Posted by tecoyah
I may see purposeful damage done to another as something to be avoided due to my belief in some kind of Karma, but there is more to it than that...almost a spiritual guardrail that is meant to keep me on the road.
I don't see how that would be different than fearing gods retribution. Karma is as much a superstition as thinking the old guy with the beard is going to judge you unworthy. Good things will happen to me, if I did a good thing for someone else prior, I may errantly link them. Bad things happen to me as well, if I did a bad thing prior, I may too errantly link them.
But a lot of really good things happen to really bad people and a lot of really bad things happen to really good people. Karma seems a bit indiscriminate, and perhaps less efficient than good old god as he can wait until you die to 'get you'.