Originally Posted by pig
'i'm a crusty old fuck and i don't give a damn. my nuts shall swing free if that's the way i want 'em to swing bitches!' sort of way.
in general, i like keeping clothed when possible in the locker room, but i'm not overly concerned about being around other naked people. i just like to minimize exposure of genitals...cut down on accidentally rubbing or jarring, cutting and tearing, that sort of thing. i've never wanted to get slapped with some sweaty protuberance while trying to get my ipod set up. keep your junk contained.
Oh, but I think you'd be a badass ancient nutswinger, Pig. The kind that makes young men run home to mommy and start sucking their thumbs again.
I don't have any problem with naked people, but I do have issues with people being naked for the sake of getting attention. Get a hobby, fuckers.
Us American'ts live in a highly sexed yet oddly prude culture that makes the human body a vessel of sexual-everything-plus-plus. Just ask any college age guy what he thinks breasts are for and you'll get anything but the biological answer. Our society is so hung up on our bodies as sexual beings that we forget things like "everybody poops" and "everybody has genitals,", etc.
RULE: Naked men aren't badasses. You need pants or a loincloth or a kilt to be a badass. Or tennis shoes, blood, and a chainsaw. History reflects this.
Originally Posted by dlishsguy
cromp.. we all know it happens. admitting it is the first step to recovery.
Hmmm, maybe in your wet dreams, home skillet... but in Iraq in 2003 we didn't have running water for a month. You ever wear the same clothes for a month, man? Talk about insane crotch funk and ice-cold bucket baths.