Originally Posted by randygurl
Thank you for humoring me. The article I got to from there was this one:
It doesn't talk about specific medical reasons to abstain from blood, it just says that some doctors don't like to give blood transfusions and it's not a zero-risk procedure. I assume that the bloodless medicine they propose as an alternative is also not zero-risk. I don't think there is any medical reason to abstain from blood transplants -- it seems purely religious, and
ratbastid is pursuing that line of inquiry, so my curiosity is sated. I have to admit though, this quote gives me pause:
"'Blood transfusions are basically no good, and we are very aggressive in avoiding them for everybody,' says Dr. Alex Zapolanski, of San Francisco, California."
I would be apprehensive about working with a doctor who describes a widely used medical procedure as 'basically no good.'