Originally Posted by KellyC
I thought the first movie was going to be good given it's Aliens vs Predator, but god dammit they ruined it with the gay ass story line. Predators are ancient gods and built the pyramids? WTF?
I don't know why the hell does Hollywood think it's necessary to have some kind of elaborate story line about movies like this. I'm perfectly content if they just show an army of Predators beating the shit out of an army or Aliens or vice versa. No story line--just straight up ass kicking from beginning to end. Actually, I prefer it.
And what Kadath said. Or at least make it like Transformers: two sides duking it out in a city full of helpless humans whilst the humans panic the shit out of their a-hole...and are killed indiscriminately.
Mrklixx, the second pic is majorly LOL.
I thought the plot had its merit, it was nice in a sense that it gave a little context that made sense. But what followed was worthless.
A bunch of jackoff European and janky ass merc's who died within the first 5 mins of action. THe previews had me going, like the cut scene with the aliens and predators going at it on a pyramid, too bad it was a whole 10 seconds of the movie. Then two of the predators get smoked instantly. As a whole their were about two redeemable scenes in the entire movie.