Originally Posted by Borla
Like I said, there is an entire medical school of thought today that blood transfusions are better replaced by other volume expanders that do not cause such side effects. There are many, many major hospitals in the US that have bloodless medical wings now, due to that.
I do find this an interesting side note, I just have to wonder though. How much of this is due to real medical need and how much is due to limiting legal liability?
For example, until very recently C-sections for pregnant women went through the roof, not due to a need but due to lawsuits placed by a handful of high profile shysters like John Edwards (yes the presidential candidate and he was the worst of the lot). These were not in the patients best interest, were unnecessary and even resulted in patient deaths, BUT it was required to avoid major lawsuits in the millions and to keep their malpractice insurance.
So while there are issues with blood transfusions, I am curious to know if the primary motive for not doing them at all is medical or liability.