Originally Posted by Lucifer
I'm looking for a woman just like Abaya

hehe. Thanks, Lucifer. Funny thing is, I know Ustwo is right on SOME counts (I have a few female friends who can attest to that, whether consciously or subconsciously), but--as you all know--I vehemently resist anyone implying that I conform to that stereotype, because I simply DON'T conform to it, in thought/word/deed. I think it's rather detestable on the part of women to choose mates in this manner (men as well), even if there are "biological" reasons for doing so... an excuse which I find to be a total cop-out. But, each to their own, I guess. As long as ktspktsp and I are happy, I suppose that's all that matters.
But I can assure you, Lucifer, there are many other women out there who hold the same opinion,
and act on it. It seems as if the majority of guys on TFP have not met a lot of those women, but perhaps that says more about the guys themselves than anything else.