Originally Posted by The_Jazz
There are 10 nuclear-armed states that I can think of off the top of my head (US, UK, France, Russia, Ukraine, China, North Korea, India, Pakistan, Israel).
But only one of them has ever degraded its' own self-proclaimed civility sufficiently enough to actually used the things upon any population - which makes the followoing statement rather hypocritically unsavoury. Don't you think?
Originally Posted by The_Jazz
... the threat of a nuclear holocaust with no US involvement has been on the table for decades.
Ps. I'm
not necessarily critizing the U.S. for the use of the bombs on Japan - but I am critizing its' high and mighty judgement of other nations that are trying to play "catch-up". The Americans think it is vindictive glory that the rest of the world wants blue-jeans and Coca-Cola but balk at it wanting to have a share in the balance of world power.