Originally Posted by Ustwo
In case you weren't following the woman died so any blood transfusion complications are rather trivial by comparison.
So while I think it was her right to make the wrong choice, lets not cloud the issue here. She didn't do something which could have saved her life and she died because of it. The fact that it was a blood transfusion is only a small part of the issue.
Now who knows if thats really what killed the woman in this case, being there are not a whole lot of details, but if it is as is claimed then, well oops.
My grandfather died of a type bone cancer. His body could not generate enough white blood cells, and he had numerous transfusions the last two years of his life. We became quite familiar with the benefits and drawbacks of blood transfusions. Complications some patients suffer are similiar to a body rejecting a transplanted organ. In a weakened state, or while the body is fighting to live with multiple other problems going on, sometimes those side effects are enough to cause (or contribute) to death.
Like I said, there is an entire medical school of thought today that blood transfusions are better replaced by other volume expanders that do not cause such side effects. There are many, many major hospitals in the US that have bloodless medical wings now, due to that.