Originally Posted by ottopilot
Pretty much sums up my perception of religion in general. Enjoy
Life of Brian. The best Documentary every made. Certainly the most accurate portrayal of first century Judea ever made. Except that bit about the aliens. That was more postwar France.
/ Wot's so special about the cheesemakers?
Originally Posted by waltert
I don't know about that, the muslims don't have to spend large amounts of time trying to understand the trinity, and how Jesus can be both fully god, and fully man at the same time.
True. They need to figure out the 99 names of god instead (that's one for the whole shebang and 7 groups of 7 paired concepts - that's how wrath and mercy are the same. No weirder than any other religion) Then there's the whole dual nature of jihad and the evidently ambiguous language about Jews, Christians, women, Wine, Song, and a host of other things. No more or less confusing and nonsensical than any other religion. Unfortunately I don't know enough about it to even try to figure out the 1% that's worthwhile (though I bet you it's somewhere in Sufism.)