Originally Posted by allaboutmusic
On the other hand, there was the case here recently where the doctors wanted to switch off life-support for a child, but the parents wanted it kept on. Eventually the courts ruled in favour of the doctors. Presumably the doctors' medical expertise here in saying that "nothing more could be done" outweighed the parents wishes for the child to be kept alive. It just seems a little inconsistent.
Well, that's different. The COURT has precedence over parents wishes AND doctor's wishes, and either party has the power to bring the case before the court.
Originally Posted by allaboutmusic
I suppose the natural question to ask then is... what if she had required the transfusion BEFORE giving birth, and if the refusal subsequently caused the death of her twins? Assuming she survived, would she be held responsible for the death of her children?
She probably COULD be, yes. Whether or not she WOULD, I can't really say.