There comes a point where parents stop being rational about their childrens' treatment. I'm sure any medical professional can back me up on that.
As far as religion goes, mark me down as someone who thinks that everyone should be able to raise their kids however they want. I've seen enough folks that have been raised with one particular set of beliefs that later rejected them. I can think of 9 TFP members off the top of my head that fit that exact description.
On the one hand, among all the tragedy and sadness of this story, I can find in myself a small amount of admiration for the mother for holding to her beliefs so strongly in the face of death that they killed her. I don't see much of that in myself, and when I see it in others, I generally notice it.
The doctors have the responsibility to respect the patient's wishes. If there are some treatments they just don't want, the the doctors have no right to force it on them unless it would impact the health of others. Once the babies were born, they couldn't force her to do anything.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin
"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo