Uhmmm...the only one replying to this thread who mentioned their age was viveleroi0 (50).
I get this feeling (don't know why) that most of the one's replying to this thread are fairly young people with "high" ideal's and such. Although this thread doesn't require it, it would be nice to get an overall idea of the age's replying to this as it seems to me that the younger member's are the one's saying "no"; but as we get older the prospect of living forever gets more and more appealing.
I'm 52 and in pretty good health (although I'm a diabetic) and will loudly proclaim, that: YES!!! I WOULD LOVE TO LIVE FOREVER...provided that I retain all my mental facultie's and good health.
But as to whether or not I would indescrimately go out and kill someone to obtain immortality is another situation. But...I could do it with no problem. I was 13 year's in the military between 1970-1983 of which 2 of those year's were spent in South-East Asia and the prospect of killing doesn't turn my stomach at all. Especially when I hear on the news that some ass-hole has kidnapped a 9 year old girl/boy, raped them repeatedly and then gave them a slow and cruel death. Killing that individual who committed that crime would not make me lose a second of sleep, especially if it meant receiving another year of life. But to do this, I would have to 110% sure that the individual deserved to die.
So...my answer to this question would be two fold:
NO = to go out and just indescrimately kill someone to prolong my life;
YES = to eliminate someone that it has been 110% determined that he/she is a menace to society and deserves to die.
American by Birth...
SOUTHERN by the Grace of GOD!!!
Last edited by MadRebel; 06-03-2003 at 09:50 AM..