the girl having a great personality would matter little to how much they enjoyed the sex.
This I disagree with entirely. I don't care how good looking a guy is if he's crap in bed he's crap in bed, doesn't matter if he's Tom Cruise or Barney the Dinosaur (well assuming Barney was anatomically correct) a bad shag is a bad shag.
For me attractiveness is defined by so much more them a persons physical appearance, sure I am not going to complain if the guy fits MY definition of attractiveness but sometimes a guy I find aesthetically pleasing will touch me and I feel nothing. Even worse is when I'll kiss a guy I know intellectually I should find appealing and all I feel is nauseous.
I'm not sure exactly why that's true but it is.
Other times a guy I would not be attracted to visually will touch me, even something as simple as a hand on the small of my back and my entire body breaks out in goosebumps. I've had kisses that make my knees go weak from guys that I'd never really thought of as attractive before.
But as I said I don't know what it is about these people that allows them to have so little or so great a reaction from me on a purely physical level.
I'm not saying women are better then men or men are better then women in this case because I know people from both genders that are able to base a decision on whether or not to be intimate with a person purely on the persons phsyical appearance but for me (and maybe mixedmedia from her response to this) sex is a very special time. I let all my barriers down, let myself be completely consumed by the moment, I end up feeling vulnerable and invinceable all at once. I don't think I could share that with someone I did not feel a genuine attraction or affection of some kind for.
I will admit I hate the habit guys have of 'rating' women though, I've never heard my female friends do that, with us the guy is either hot or not. None of this 1 - 10 business.