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Old 11-03-2007, 05:05 PM   #82 (permalink)
Not Right Now
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Location: Far Away
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
And Muay Thai is a disgraceful activity. I saw it on some show called "human weapon" - the hooligans openly thrown knee's and elbows and aim to kill their opponents - the standard "KO" blow is a flying elbow to the top of the skull. To cause death is the highest honour for these thugs. It is no kind of sport - and has no place in any civilised society, it is of the stand standard as "snuff" movies.

MMA / Cage Fights at least have a ref who stops the fight when a fighter is knocked out and try to prevent fatalities. In Muay Thai the crowd cheer for a killing.
Competitive Muay Thai does have refs.

Many combat sports began as a way to kill your enemy, in fact all did, that si why they are known as MARTIAL arts.

Not to mention, why is a knee or an elbow unacceptable, when a a punch or a kick is... or are you against kicks to? If you are, stick to boxing and stop insulting a sport that you know nothing about because you have unrealistic expectations toward fighting.

Since this debate started you went from hating MMA because it allows ground strikes citing that you believe in "fighting like a proper Englishman", to saying that you would probably jam your keys into someone's face in a fight, to saying that Muay thai fighters are thugs, because they use knees and elbows. I don't know sir, but I would rather take a knee to the face than have some bitch punch me using a key.

I respected your opinions this entire time but being a Muay Thai student myself I take that as a direct insult since you basically called me a thug. If you want thuggish, disgraceful actions look to those who settle thier differences with guns and kinves, not to those who train in any given discipline for competition and self-defense purposes. I've spent a year training in muay thai and 3 training in boxing and guess what, in that entire time, I've gotten into one street fight (mind you it was because my friend was being attacked by four people), very thug-like of me isn't me? Before having any discipline I was willing to fight all comers. If anything, experience makes you see that fighting because someone looks at you wrong is absurd. I can honestly say, from what I have seen you say in this thread, is that I hope you never run into any actual trouble, because apparently you don't even know how you would react.
I only came to dance.

Last edited by Not Right Now; 11-04-2007 at 09:15 PM..
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