Originally Posted by mixedmedia
Oh, and for myself on the carnal fly, I'd just as soon fuck a short, balding, overweight, perhaps even slightly trollish looking man than a buff, young Greek god-looking stud. But what it would really come down to is the one who can make the hair stand up on my arms when they look into my eyes. And that doesn't have anything to do with looks or 'niceness.' It has to do with presence. Vital, visceral presence. Just being able to insert penis into vagina just ain't enough. I'd just as soon go home and masturbate.
Please i am not calling bullshit on this i swear, i wish there were more women like you who felt this way. I don't think i've ever met a girl like this or heard a story 3rd person who knew someone who knew someone like that. Just like all these men who posted they would rather have sex with a girl who is ugly but has fantastic personality than a hot chick who is riding the short bus. that is why i love the net, it brings me in contact with people who break the mold that 99.9999% of the people fall into.
sorry forgot to add that.....
i date based purely on personality now. after being in a long term relationship with a girl who was beautiful but a mental midget i will never trade looks for personality.
looks may get me to sample the product, but it is the ingredients that will keep me coming back for more.