Randy Couture is in his late 40s and he is a world champion. Age is a number, no more no less. You forget that I used to box to, I'm just pointing out that the transition isn't as easy as you're making it out to be.
I respect Muhammad Ali as an athlete and as a boxer. the man was simply amazing, and the fact that you would make such a stupid comment even in jest or what I assume was an attempt at insulting my intelligence, makes me question your respect for the guy.
Some boxers do well in octagon, Alessio Sakara has a decent record, and was a championship boxer in Italy, the difference is, and he learned Ju Jitsu. If he were to step in the cage with his quick hands and great technique with no ground game, he would get creamed just like Ray Mercer does, only at half his age. As a result he trains here in Miami and has a Brown belt in Ju Jitsu. He also maintains that to survive in the sport, you can’t rely on just boxing or wrestling, you have to learn as much as you can.
ps, if you want to prove an mma fan, it would probably be better to use someone who has had a professional fight as an example, not a wrestler who has yet to debut in a second tier talent company.
I only came to dance.
Last edited by Not Right Now; 11-03-2007 at 12:20 PM..