Best cheap date: we go to the Saturday farmer's market when it's in season. Every Saturday, rain or shine, we go downtown, get a cup of coffee at this great local place called Oregon Legacy (they sell everything related to coffee and tea you could possibly imagine being in one store...totally awesome). They have four or so pots of coffee to choose from, all from different locations around the world, and some are organic or fair trade or both. Then we walk through the market, which is about a block away from the coffeeshop along First Ave and the riverwalk esplanade. There are all kinds of musicians busking along the market, from a guy who brings his didgeridoo to a couple of young teens who play violins to Ramblin' Rex, the Good News Blues Man.
In the middle of the market is the city fountain, at the center of the riverwalk esplanade. It is more or less the heart of Corvallis in summer. We usually stop for a garlic-coated whole wheat pretzel at the Pretzel Queen's stand and find a spot to sit near the fountain. Occasionally, various bands perform at the fountain plaza during market hours. I love sitting outside on a warm summer morning, drinking my coffee and listening to the community band play John Philips Souza. A string quartet also performs from time to time, and tents in the plaza feature presentations from the Oregon State Extension Service, the City of Corvallis, and Benton County on topics relevant to the community. One of the coolest presentations this summer was one on wasps and hornets by the extension service's resident bug guy. The extension service also does taste tests related to what's on sale at the market this week--strawberries in June, tomatoes in July and August, and apples in October.
Sure, we spend money, but it's less than $5 (outside of the money we spend at the market on our fruits and veggies for the week). We also eat better than we would otherwise, and eat a greater variety of fruits and vegetables. Plus, it gets us outside and walking around.
We are fortunate that we live in a town with a very vital downtown. There are all kinds of events downtown throughout the year that we take part in, including a wine walk and a holiday trolley tour. Beyond downtown, the town has a very active community, so there are all kinds of festivals, fun runs, fundraisers, and community events to attend that are low-cost or no-cost. We have a food co-op in town that organizes a lot of free events, including free wine tasting, food tastings, and cooking demos. Since we also live in a college town, we use that to our advantage and keep an eye out for free lectures and activities on campus. Our university also has a bowling alley with cheap bowling for students.
We're able to keep fairly busy around these parts without spending too much.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau