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Old 11-03-2007, 09:14 AM   #24 (permalink)
Location: bedford, tx
Originally Posted by host
No...but it's all so steeped in christo-fascist, white christian supremacy-republican party propaganda that it is not worth the time or effort to sort out the "wheat from the chafe", IMO.

.... T. Kenneth Cribb

T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr., is president of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute. Cribb was Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs in the Reagan Administration, serving as President Reagan’s top advisor on domestic matters. Earlier in the administration he held the position of Counselor to the Attorney General. He also served as vice chairman of the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board from 1989 to 1992. Today he also is president of the Collegiate Network, an association of independent college newspapers; <h3>vice president of the Council for National Policy</h3>; and counselor to the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy.

Peter Malkin

Peter L. Malkin is a partner in Wein & Malkin LLP, a real estate management firm in New York City.

Congratulations to author Janet Tassel and to Harvard Magazine for "Militant about 'Islamism'" (January-February, page 38), that sets forth the thesis of Daniel Pipes that militant Islam (Islamism) -- not Islam and not "terrorism" -- is the problem and that traditional, moderate Islam is the answer that needs maximum support and encouragement by the civilized world. While Harvard has thankfully avoided the "beyond the fringe" excesses of the departments of Middle East studies at Columbia and several other major universities and colleges, even at Harvard it is exceptional to see such a fair and balanced exposition of an honest and rational approach to defining the problem and seeking the intelligent solution.

Peter L. Malkin '55, J.D. '58
New York City

I did not find that this Malkin is related to Michelle, but he "buys" Daniel Pipes view of "the problem", and my research persuades me that Daniel Pipes, as was his father, is batshit crazy....

Michelle Malkin has no credibility, a common trait among the "luminaries" featured at CNP's

<h3>Malkin is a featured "columnist at is a Salem Comm. media property. Salem is Council for National Policy media. CNP is christo-fascist subversion, and that is enough for me.....</h3>

Joseph Farah is worldnetdaily, and I already detailed the quality of his "journalism and editorializing as it related to Al Gore during the 2000 campaign, and since.

worldnetdaily's "reporter", Bob Unruh is a fundamentalist christian activist, here are more of his "news articles":
ok, so you only have prejudices against christo fascists (whatever that entails), real estate holders, anyone that worked for reagan, correspondents, and any WND journalists.

you do realize that the same could be said about you or any of the sources you cite as credible and believable, right?

If I were to post that all columnists were batshiat crazy and that michael moore had zero credibility, or that cnn and msnbc were communistic news agencies who were bent on destroying personal freedoms and liberties, as well as stating that the UN, george soros, and the democratic party in general were nothing more than socialist ideologists bent on bushwacking the foolish and unsuspecting 'liberals' into believing that that they were for a classless society and only had your best interests at heart were in actuality a totalitarian regime bent on reforming society into a feudalist world with the elites and the serfs, and you are a serf.....would I be credible or batshiat crazy?
"no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything. You cannot conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him."
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