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Old 11-03-2007, 09:04 AM   #20 (permalink)
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
so let me see if I have this right.

anything from wnd, a christian, a right winger, a rabid conservative, or michelle malkin is a flat out bald faced lie that is intended to incense an audience and therefore should not only not be believed, but should be downright excoriated for passing themselves off as having any sort of valid opinion or logical reasoning. Do I have that right, host?
No...but it's all so steeped in christo-fascist, white christian supremacy-republican party propaganda that it is not worth the time or effort to sort out the "wheat from the chafe", IMO.

Here are more reasons why:

Does "FIRE" have CNP written all over it???
Board of Advisors

.... T. Kenneth Cribb

T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr., is president of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute. Cribb was Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs in the Reagan Administration, serving as President Reagan’s top advisor on domestic matters. Earlier in the administration he held the position of Counselor to the Attorney General. He also served as vice chairman of the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board from 1989 to 1992. Today he also is president of the Collegiate Network, an association of independent college newspapers; <h3>vice president of the Council for National Policy</h3>; and counselor to the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy.

Peter Malkin

Peter L. Malkin is a partner in Wein & Malkin LLP, a real estate management firm in New York City.

Congratulations to author Janet Tassel and to Harvard Magazine for "Militant about 'Islamism'" (January-February, page 38), that sets forth the thesis of Daniel Pipes that militant Islam (Islamism) -- not Islam and not "terrorism" -- is the problem and that traditional, moderate Islam is the answer that needs maximum support and encouragement by the civilized world. While Harvard has thankfully avoided the "beyond the fringe" excesses of the departments of Middle East studies at Columbia and several other major universities and colleges, even at Harvard it is exceptional to see such a fair and balanced exposition of an honest and rational approach to defining the problem and seeking the intelligent solution.

Peter L. Malkin '55, J.D. '58
New York City

I did not find that this Malkin is related to Michelle, but he "buys" Daniel Pipes view of "the problem", and my research persuades me that Daniel Pipes, as was his father, is batshit crazy....

Michelle Malkin has no credibility, a common trait among the "luminaries" featured at CNP's


Founding the Heritage Foundation

In 1973, with the financial backing of Coors, Weyrich and Ed Feulner founded the Heritage Foundation as a think tank to counterbalance prevailing sentiment on taxation and regulation, which they considered to be anti-business. While the organization was at first only minimally influential, it has grown into one of the world's largest and most respected public policy research institutes and has been hugely influential in advancing conservative policies.

The following year, again with support from Coors, Weyrich founded the Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress (CSFC), an organization that trained and mobilized conservative activists, recruited conservative candidates, and raised funds for conservative causes.

Under Weyrich, the CSFC proved highly innovative. It was among the first grassroots organizations to raise funds extensively through direct mail campaigns. It also was one of the first organizations to tap into evangelical Christian churches as places to recruit and cultivate activists and support for social conservative causes. Indeed, they proved such a wellspring that, in 1977, Weyrich co-founded Christian Voice with Robert Grant and two years later founded with Jerry Falwell the Moral Majority. Weyrich coined the phrase "Moral Majority."[2]

Over the next two decades, Weyrich founded, co-founded, or held prominent roles in a number of other notable conservative organizations. Among them, he was founder of the American Legislative Exchange Council, an organization of state legislators; <h3>a co-founder of the Council for National Policy,</h3> a strategy-formulating organization for social conservatives; co-publisher of the magazine Conservative Digest; and national chairman of Coalitions for America, an association of conservative activist organizations. The CSFC, reorganized into the Free Congress Foundation (FCF), also remained active....
<h3>Malkin is a featured "columnist at is a Salem Comm. media property. Salem is Council for National Policy media. CNP is christo-fascist subversion, and that is enough for me.....</h3>
<h3>Why is GOP & Conservative "Message" Delivered by such a Tiny Media "Fringe"?</h3>

....Moving to the website of the party itself, the homepage displays
in the upper right "Action Center" column, this link: Call Talk Radio

The names and telephone numbers of 33 conservative talk show hosts are displayed on the page located at the preceding link.

Imus, and two convicted felons, G. Gordon Liddy, and Ollie North, foxnews correspondent and commentator, (his conviction for lying to congress was overturned on a technicality, on appeal.) are on that RNC "talk radio" list.

This "group" is syndicated by Salem Comm., owned by two CNP members, as I've posted about here:
NY Times coverage of CNP, Council for National Policy:

Hugh Hewitt Show
The Mike Gallagher Show
The Michael Medved Show
Bill Bennett's Morning in America
The Dennis Prager Show
Janet Parshall's America

Links to Salem's talk radio hosts info:
<h2>Salem also owns</h2> ....
Joseph Farah is worldnetdaily, and I already detailed the quality of his "journalism and editorializing as it related to Al Gore during the 2000 campaign, and since.

worldnetdaily's "reporter", Bob Unruh is a fundamentalist christian activist, here are more of his "news articles":

Park Service restores 'God' at Washington Monument
Inscription declaring praise to Creator had been obscured in official display
Posted: October 30, 2007
4:30 p.m. Eastern

By Bob Unruh
Now, God banished from Washington Monument
Historic cap engraving 'Laus Deo' out of sight
Posted: October 26, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Bob Unruh

The National Park Service has banished God from a key display of America's Christian heritage in Washington, and a California pastor who regularly leads teams of visitors to see markers of the nation's religious history wants Him restored. ...
KKK's 1st targets were Republicans
Dems credited with starting group that attacked both blacks, whites
Posted: October 25, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Bob Unruh

The original targets of the Ku Klux Klan were Republicans, both black and white, according to a new television program and book, which describe how the Democrats started the KKK and for decades harassed the GOP with lynchings and threats.

An estimated 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites died at the end of KKK ropes from 1882 to 1964.

The documentation has been assembled by David Barton of Wallbuilders and published in his book "Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White," which reveals that not only did the Democrats work hand-in-glove with the Ku Klux Klan for generations, they started the KKK and endorsed its mayhem. ....
Arrest sparks rush on $1 million Gospel tracts
'The day that story broke people bought half a million'
Posted: October 13, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Bob Unruh

Million dollar Gospel tract

The Way of the Master, a Christian ministry run by evangelist Ray Comfort and former child actor Kirk Cameron, is reporting a sudden rush by people getting the million-dollar bill Gospel tracts its Living Water Publications produces.

Todd Friel, a spokesman at Way of the Master Radio, told WND that while "Gospel tracts usually turn out to be litter faster than a candy wrapper," the opposite is true with these Gospel messages.

Even an event such as the recent incident in Pittsburgh when police arrested a man who handed a $1 million bill tract to a grocery store cashier generates a way for the biblical message to be spread.

Officers in that case reported the bill originated with the Dallas-based ministry, but the man was arrested after he flew into a rage, slamming an electronic funds-transfer machine into a counter and reaching for a scanner gun after the clerk refused to accept the tract as money and the manager confiscated it......
Liberty Bell rangers halt minister's speech
Center honoring U.S. freedoms restricts message against abortion
Posted: October 10, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Bob Unruh

Liberty Bell in Philadelphia

A street preacher whose annual fall campaign often includes a stop in Philadelphia, the self-described "Birthplace of Liberty," has been arrested for speaking against abortion on public property outside the building housing the Liberty Bell.

The arrest of Michael Marcavage, chief of the Repent America ministry, was documented on video now available on YouTube.

Marcavage told WND he's awaiting information from the National Park Service authorities who arrested him on an appearance date in federal court.

The video shows Marcavage preaching to a crowd outside the Liberty Bell Center, which houses the Liberty Bell, the artifact from American history that rang to announce the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence and is inscribed with "Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the Land unto all the inhabitants thereof," a biblical quotation from Leviticus 25:10.

"This is where we have been on a number of other occasions," Marcavage told WND. "This time we were ministering to people waiting in line to see the Liberty Bell, speaking on the message on the Bell, which has 'Proclaim liberty throughout the Land.'"

(Story continues below)

"We were speaking on the issue of abortion being tolerated in this nation, generally how abortion is simply a representation of how wicked our nation has become, and the need to repent for sin in our own lives," he said. He referenced the loss of liberty by the unborn who are aborted, he said.

While he was speaking, National Park Service rangers ordered him and others in his group to the other side of the building, where they said they had set up a "free speech zone," which was far away from any pedestrian traffic entering or leaving the building.

Calls to the National Park Service by WND seeking a comment on the issue were not returned.....
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