I refuse to offer any (more) advice. It will be disregarded anyway. Just like all the other advice that's been offered all this time.
You gotta do what you gotta do. Experience all the pain and drama you need. You will get *exactly* as much of that as you allow, and you allow a lot.
Folks, you gotta remember that all we know of the girl in question is represented through the filter of the person telling us. So I also refuse to jump on the "she's a skank, whore, cunt" bandwagon. She may well be, but that is completely irrelevant. It is only Shauk's actions that need to be addressed.
I am done offering sympathy. I will offer congratulations when real action is taken, and real progress is made. I hope that's soon.
"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath.
At night, the ice weasels come." -
Matt Groening
My goal? To fulfill my potential.