Originally Posted by Martian
Dude, we should start a club. Like, with jackets and stuff. I want a club jacket.
Me, I refuse to solve insomnia with a pill, same as how I refuse to rid myself of pain via a pill. One could of course argue that solving chemically-induced insomnia with another chemical only makes sense and I certainly wouldn't fault that logic, but I also kinda figure that I take enough damn pills already.
And ring, Shakespeare is so 17th century. You really want to get my kitty purring? Give me some Proust.
I love me some Ambien. Although, I do tend to make sure I go a few weeks at a time without it so I don't become dependent on it. I know I'd go crazy if I didn't have it every now and then and get a few days of really good sleep. Don't knock it until you try it
And yeah.. let's start a club.. we could be like those guys on the Simpsons with the souvenir jackets..