Furcal had a good 2006 but he was horrible all year in 2007 and he cost $13M.
Pierre doesn't get on base and when he does he gets caught stealing way too much. That will only get worse as he works his way through his $45M contract.
Be objective about LoDuca. Even for a catcher he's a below average hitter. You can check it
here if you don't believe me. He had a good arm, pre-2004 but since then he hasn't been throwing out a lot of base stealers.
As for Green, it was a salary dump. You unload a costly player who is past his prime on a dumbass GM (Joe Jr from AZ). You don't get much talent back in a salary dump unless you kick in some serious cash. When AZ traded Green they had to kick in almost $6M and they still didn't get anything back.
Look at when ARod was traded to NY. They got back 2 years of Soriano but they had to pay $67 million.