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Old 11-02-2007, 11:29 AM   #8 (permalink)
Pissing in the cornflakes
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Originally Posted by host
Ustwo, I don't think that you've actually read the thread OP.

One of the main arguments is that government has been "harnessed" by a corrupt elite, to take money away from the overwhelming majority of "its citizens", and into the control of this same elite.
Yes thats your argument, I don't feel this way or care that you do.

The absurd government published inflation statistics, manipulation of the stock market, of interest rates, of credit markets, housing valuations, tax "reform", and the 00's foreign policy of "perpetual war"....who is behind it, who fails to regulate it, who benefits?
I hear they put stuff in the drinking water too. Seriously, lighten up, if they were this good you won't stand a chance anyways.

<h3>What is "America ready for", Ustwo? The "fruit of your "vote" has brought us to our knees.</h3> No border or port secuirty, immigration, or SEC enforcement, and a military, intelligence communtiy, and DOJ out of control and unaccountable, and you want less government, less taxes on the wealth elite who have raped our finances, ethics, enforcement.....
Mmm fruity. This first has nothing to do with Ron Paul, so really belongs in a different rant thread. Secondly I don't agree on pretty much everything you said beyond. I'm not afraid of raping elites stealing my money, our ethics, or enforcement.

Was a country with high tax rates on the "last dollar" incomes on the wealthiest, strong "reaction to 30's depression" regulation and enforcement, social reform, and a labor friendly NLRB, and the resulting, growing middle class and more euqitable income distribution, inferior to the results of the "reforms" you've voted for more of since 1980?
I was a child in 1980. I WOULD have voted for Regan of course. I'm not sure what you were smoking but really nothing above I see as true. Carter was soundly kicked out of office for good reason if you recall, and it wasn't just his inept handling of the Iranian hostage situation. Gas lines, double digit inflation, a cold war he was unable to handle.

We're going to take back and redistribute the wealth that has concentrated to excess in such a small number of hands. The only thing in doubt is whether it will be done after the country is on it's knees because of the deliberate destruction of functioning government by those who currently control it, or short of that extreme.
Blah blah blah. Look if everything you said about this administration were true, you wouldn't be able to take back shit with an election, you couldn't win one, it would be rigged and controlled from the start. Instead of your glorious revolution, whats going to happen is a democrat will be elected (unless there are some major shifts), who will have to act like a moderate lest they lose all control like Bill did in 1994.

Will reform begin sooner, with someone like Edwards elected, or later, with a "Chavez like" figure in power? Judging by your sentiments, Ustwo, and assuming that there is a small army of folks who also think and vote as you do, it will happen much later, only after current policies impoverish a wide segment of the rest of us.
Elect a shyster lawyer (in the worst way) now to save us from the incoming banana republic? I have to wonder what you do, where you live and who you hang out with. This 'impoverished' America, ready to rise up against the 'elites'. I've been around the country and oddly haven't see it, haven't seen the shanty towns, the starving children without healthcare, the unemployed masses of young men. So just where is this America?
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host

Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps.
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