Thread: Asteroid
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Old 11-02-2007, 09:57 AM   #10 (permalink)
World's King
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Location: Denver City Denver
I'd take a nap. Have a beer or 20. Watch SprotsCenter. Take a ride on my scooter. Hang with my family and girlfriend. Take another nap. Eat a giant steak, some sushi, chicken wings, my grandmothers homemade pasta, and whatever else is around. Fulfill my life long dream of taking another man's life. Take another nap. Drink more beer. Get a blowjob from a underage hooker behind Junior High school. Kill said hooker. Set fire to stuff. Find the cop that pulled me over and gave me my second DUI, rape his wife, kill his children, make him watch it all. Take another nap. Drink more beer. Pass out on a park bench and die alone like most people thought I would.

So pretty much a normal day for me...
heavy is the head that wears the crown
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