I was able to borrow a couple Apple IIe's at different times in my youth. My senior year of HS (Dec '91) we bought a Mac LC. Two months later I spent $120 to upgrade the memory from 2 to 4mb. Another bump down the road, and two external HD's along the way, and it got me through college in good shape.
In Spring '96 just after I got my first 'real' job I cobbled together a 486sx, mostly out of other pplz' castoff parts.
Since then I've gotten into the buy/sell/trade/repair game,mostly used and vintage hardware, so I have had perhaps 50 whole machines pass through this house...Macs Suns PCs.
I have a couple 8" floppy drives and a 300 baud acoustic coupler on a shelf in the garage. I know how to whistle into the coupler