One of the less-remembered contributions to the decision to drop the bombs is the demonstration to the Soviets. There was a sizeable group in the military that wanted to continue the war into the Soviet Union and push back the Reds. Obviously, the Japanese were THE primary target here, but the consensus was that the US would eventually win even in the event of an invasion of the Home Islands. Demonstrating US military might to the other new, very obvious superpower was pretty important to the planners.
Regardless, if Tibbets hadn't done it someone else would have. He gets the commendations for being The Guy, but it just happened that he was chosen.
As far as claim that this is the largest slaughter of civilians ever, I suppose if you limit it to a single day, if it's not the largest (hint: read Ustwo's post), it is on the list. However, let's remember that the Soviet Army had just finished raping, pillaging and slaughtering their way across Eastern Europe in 1945 and that the US and British forces firebombed Dresden and Hamburg. If we're talking about atrocities commited against civilians in WWII, this doesn't even make my top 5.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin
"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo