Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Well what would you call the KKK purposely marching through towns mainly populated by minorities? What, exactly, are they protesting?
I have no idea why you said that, considering I specifically said:
Originally Posted by analog
Marching is not a protest, first of all. It's convening in public as a group. It's displaying the right to assemble and to publicly express beliefs. That is not a protest of any kind, whatsoever.
So really, I'm not sure you're even reading what I'm writing. It's right there. It was my
first point.
And the thing about the permit? Who gives a shit about a permit? I only mentioned it to drive home the fact that the Nazi march is JUST a display of "we are allowed to do this and we WILL do it". Phelps' agenda is just to harass people and get publicity. Constantly. In organized fashion. With signs. And yelling.
And yes, thank you for pointing out that Nazis aren't saints in their off time. Really. It brings the discourse to a whole new level when you take the time to point out that bigots aren't just mean and nasty in groups, but do engage in random acts of bigotry by themselves on the streets and such.
This is not anything like the random, single-serving racial slurs some Nazi walking down the street may sling.
I then went on to explain why what Phelps is doing should be considered harassment, whereas the Nazi march is, conversely, NOT harassment. I don't give a flying duck (yes, duck)
what community the Nazis march through. They do it, what, once a year? If that? If Phelps held an anti-gays rally once a year in the gayest damn town in all of the USA, we still wouldn't be having this conversation.
It's the volume. It's the constant, unrelenting attacks. They are at every funeral they can get to. They specifically seek to defame, demoralize, and cause public disturbance. Once again: Nazi rally- pretty damn infrequent, not going after anyone in specific, just there to speak their minds... Phelps- constant, personal attacks to defame, slander, and harass.
Not at all the same thing. Apples and oranges. The only common denominator is they're all scumbags.
Two extra points:
1. It seems like you're going out of your way to support Phelps without actually saying you agree with his position. Just an observation.
2. You keep switching Nazis and the KKK. It was the Nazis who marched. The KKK and the Nazis are not at all alike, other than they're both hate groups. Just because they both happen to hate some of the same people doesn't mean they're similar.