Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
A common misconception is that handicapped means "Physically impaired". You can have cataracts and be elligible to park in a handicapped space, so you shouldn't judge based solely on appearances.
I think the point being made is that the "handicapped" spaces are closer to the store entrance because they're for people whose mobility is impaired and needs the ability to park close to the entrance. Cataracts may count as a disability, but it has nothing to do with their ability to walk 10 vs 50 feet. They're not less blind in 10 feet than they would be walking 50 feet from the back of the parking lot, if they have no physical limitations to walk.
My grandmother has a balance problem. She can't walk more than a handful of feet on her own without almost falling over. With someone at her arm, so she can gauge balance, she's much better, but still can't walk for long. Walking from halfway up a Target parking lot is out of the question for her.
What's being complained about here is when someone is obviously using the spot for its convenient proximity, not because they need it- like the person who power walks to the car and hoists large boxes into the back, unassisted. How does that person possibly have a legitimate need for that space? They don't, and that's the general point of this peeve.