Originally Posted by Ustwo
So they took a $100 million dollar hit to hide a device?
Well shit. I wasn't saying that they were necessarily hiding it. From my understanding, and this was back around 2000-2001 (which was apparently the last time my info was current), it was because they were poorly managed and weren't able to "get the word out," so to speak. I stand corrected.
Its been implicated in a large number of lawsuits which is believed to be why St. Jude dropped the product. It was used in at least 25000 operations and the FDA was investigating. Now knowing how scummy lawyers in this are, it could be B.S. but thats another topic.
Perhaps this is the aspect you saw on the device.
This doesn't surprise me. I live in medical device country, and it seems like at least once every month or two there's some sort of recall or lawsuit.