Hey Shauk, your girl is a skank-ass, good-for-nothing, can't-keep-it-in-her-pants, needy, manipulative, pathetic, blackmailing LOSER and the guys she cheats on you with have more of a conscience than she does.
She's a scab, a lowlife, a leech, a cheat, a slut, a scrub, and a fucking no-good bitch!!!!
YOU need to stop justifying her behavior for her. Don't try to understand what she's feeling cuz she's got a fucked up black heart and no respect for herself or anyone around her. Don't cut her any slack, don't give her any money. Right now you're just renting a room.
You don't need to talk to her or eat the food she makes you. You don't need to be cordial. Get the fuck out of there. She doesn't deserve you.
There are plenty of hot girls in Seattle - the fun, crunchy granola type too who will be happy to work out with you, cook a healthy meal with you, go hiking or see a midnight movie at the Egyptian. Move out of Renton!!!!!
One more time, sir.
THIS GIRL IS TOXIC. She's a grade-A loser. Her snatch is a 7-11. She's USING YOU.
Check Craigslist for a house or apartment share. I was able to get one in Seattle for $400 per month with $100 deposit. You can stay there for a month until you move out (or decide you like it). You might end up digging your apartment mates a whole lot.
But the most important thing... KICK THAT BITCH TO THE CURB!!!!
EDIT: Regarding the point that Infinite brings up and our role as TFPers... Shauk, you've been posting about this relationship for a long time on this board. I think all of us here want to see you happy. As such, we bat for your team. It doesn't matter if she's really a nice person or going through a phase or whatever... she doesn't treat you right and she's not going to give you the adult relationship you are looking for.
The only thing that matters is that you are happy. You've moved out to a fantastic place, you've got a new job that is better than pizza job, you're working out - you have a new life!!!! Think of living with this bitch as a remnant of your old life - a shitty but necessary step to getting over it.
By now you should realize that the relationship will not work, is not worth your time and that she is manipulative, a cheater, a lier, doesn't value her body and DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. She is a self-serving narcissistic pile of shit. And I can say that without even meeting her because the facts you gave all point to that.
Stop moping and stop dwelling on the reasons behind her behavior and stop grieving. That can come later. Now is the time to take action and get yourself OUT OF A BAD SITUATION!!!!!!
Move out. The air will be better without the stench of stale, sleazy, passed-around snatch fouling it up.
On your next post here, I want to see a plan of action. You've done really really well with the move, the new job, the new lifestyle. You deserve better.
Uh huh her.
Last edited by xxxafterglow; 11-01-2007 at 08:11 AM..