Thread: The Free Market
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Old 11-01-2007, 07:32 AM   #37 (permalink)
Darth Papa
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Leaving aside the "could there have been a speech" thing, which IMO is a red herring:

Originally Posted by Ustwo
Let me show you that alternative history....

November 1 2007.

"George W. Bush has done nothing to stop Saddam Hussein, who continues to stockpile weapons of mass destruction." - Hilary Clinton

"We have spent billions and billions on this pipe dream program of alternative fuels with nothing to show for it." - Ted Kennedy

"Why is it that most of the research money has gone to energy companies? GWB is obviously rewarding his friends in the oil industry!" - Daily KOS

"I saw a UFO while visiting Shirley MacLaine" - Dennis Kucinich
So... Are you saying there was NOTHING GWB could have done that wouldn't have gotten him blasted by those goofy liberals? Even when his approval rating was in the 90s and everybody was behind doing SOMETHING... There's NOTHING he could have done to unite the nation and move us forward into a new era?

I don't believe that for an instant. I was ready for us to use the tragedy that 9/11 was to foster international understanding, further the cause of peace, and unite America for something constructive. That's not exactly Bush's style, but I promise you, there WERE things that could have been done that would have left him among the best presidents in history, rather than the miserable state we're in now.
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