Thread: The Free Market
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Old 11-01-2007, 06:34 AM   #34 (permalink)
Pissing in the cornflakes
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Originally Posted by Charlatan
It's not just about the money. It's about leadership. It's about inspiration, initiative and direction. The moon shot was about all of those things and the payoff was huge.
So you are saying GWB could have inspired scientists to come up with new technology that doesn't even exist yet with an impassioned speech and perhaps his ghost like Kennedy?

Let me show you that alternative history....

November 1 2007.

"George W. Bush has done nothing to stop Saddam Hussein, who continues to stockpile weapons of mass destruction." - Hilary Clinton

"We have spent billions and billions on this pipe dream program of alternative fuels with nothing to show for it." - Ted Kennedy

"Why is it that most of the research money has gone to energy companies? GWB is obviously rewarding his friends in the oil industry!" - Daily KOS

"I saw a UFO while visiting Shirley MacLaine" - Dennis Kucinich

A good speech at the right time can capture the public imagination, but the public isn't who figures out how to get things done. With the moon, it was truly a pie in the sky idea. As it is the benefits from it are all secondary, going to the moon itself was a waste of money as we never followed up. The public got bored, the money didn't seem worth spending, and instead of moon base 1, we have a flag and some tire tracks up there for the last 30 years.

The moon itself required this kind of speech and public funds, as all benefits were unknown surprises. It would be like someone today saying lets drill to the center of the earth. Throw enough money at it and you will most likely see a lot of side inventions which are worthwhile but we can't predict what they would be or if they will justify cost.

Alternative fuels/energy on the other hand are not pie in the sky pipe dreams of unknown worth. Their worth is very well known, their stocks are traded daily, there are companies racing trying to get there first. The public doesn't need convincing that its worth while, everyone knows it who could matter.

The money is there, the incentive is there (unlimited fame and wealth), and the reason is there. Now its a waiting game to see who comes up with what. No speech would make that go faster.
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host

Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps.
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