Originally Posted by dalnet22
It hurts right now because I feel like I deserved a better response. I think I deserved a discrete, honest response like "thanks, but I'm sorry, I just want to be friends." Instead, I'm left sitting here having to interpret what she's said, and it doesn't sound good at all. I think it's her who should be coming to me, but why would someone who's scared want to fix it? That's why I guess I've tried to take the matter into my hands.
What do you guys think? Is it possible she is stressed, and after a week or somethin, she will talk to me? It really hurts to think I'm losing my chance with her, let alone a friendship. Is there any chance of this working out?
First, when it comes to love and dating... you aren't entitled to anything. Ever.
Forcing the issue will not get you what you want. I know you had good intentions with the flowers and letter, but honestly it was the wrong move to make. You put her up on a pedestal and now she has control of the situation... and you've been trying to reach out and validate yourself to her ever since then.
You cannot control her thoughts or feelings, only yours... so work on getting your emotions and reactions under control first and foremost. Then, just go about your life like normal and stop making her your #1 priority. It's obviously turning her off, so take a step back and see if things turn around again.