Originally Posted by Ustwo
Edit: By pure coincidence I just walked into my waiting room and saw this magazine.

From a quick read, it appears every single one of those advances is being advanced by private companies for profit. Go figure.
From a quick read of the
US News article...this caught my eye....go figure:
...Range Fuels, a Broomfield, Colo., firm founded by Khosla, aims to beat that projection by two years. One of six companies that received Department of Energy grants to accelerate the new technology, Range will be the first to break ground on a commercial plant on November 6 near Georgia forestland, where it plans to refine abundant timber-industry waste wood.
Much of the private geothermal work is also underwritten by federal grants.
Many of the recent advances in solar technologies are building on nanotechnology developments resutling from federal R&D.