Originally Posted by squeeeb
most geese don't walk this way, however, back in pre-WW2 germany, a small group of socialist geese started walking this way to show their superiority, they were trying to control a bunch of lakes and were looking, ultimately, for total world lake domination. hitler was at a picnic at one of these lakes, saw these geese and kinda stole it.
Apperently those geese stole it from the russians. They must have been vacationing on the shores of the black sea in the 19th century.
Originally Posted by wikipedia.org
Der Stechschritt [1], commonly known in English speaking countries as "the Goose-Step", is a special form of the equal step, which is usually demonstrated in solemn military parades and passes in review of closed units. The marching troops swing their legs from a vertical leg to a nearly horizontally-extending one, bringing it down with a loud simultaneous stepping noise and continuing the cycle in unison. It emerged from Prussian drilling regulation during the early 19th Century.
Sticky The Stickman
Last edited by Sticky; 11-06-2007 at 06:51 AM..