Originally Posted by Redlemon
Your actions of "ignore, then overflow" reminded me of the emotional swings that are common with spousal abuse. It is frequent for an abuser to hurt the other person, then bring them back with an excess of kindness, only to hurt them again. I am NOT saying that you are an abusive personality, only that she may PERCEIVE early signs of that in your actions.
I rather doubt a very young woman who 'isn't ready for a relationship' would recognize anything as a sign of a potential abuser.
Ironically the best way to keep them interested in you is to often be a jerk by being distant and ignoring her to some extent.
The gushy flowers was a mistake, to much too soon. You do that for the girl you are having sex with nightly who is already swooning for you. You put yourself back into the 'he really wants me lets see if I can do better' grouping rather then the 'I'm good enough for him' grouping.
Its not game playing, just human nature. Just back off, talk to other girls in class, don't look at her or do more than be social and maybe you can salvage it.
Perhaps shes just unsure about a relationship and she will come around, but she will do that on her own time, you might as well not look desperate while shes making up her mind.