If money was truly no object then get everything everyone has asked here for them; there should be more than enough to go around.
Invest enough money to get a Russian manned flight to Mars, with me on board as an observer / passenger / cosmonaut. (I say Russia because the US wont let anyone outside the program go--with certain excpetions ie good public figures. Russia will take anyone if you pay them)
The same for a trip to the moon.
Go see the Titanic
Produce and Direct movies
Bring the Ark of the Convenent into the public light
Buy 3000 acres of land (Montana), build a moderate 3 story house with an observatory on top and a vast 20 story underground complex with enough supplies to keep 6 families well for 200 years. (6 just popped into my head)====just incase.
invest into homeless teen and troubled youth programs where they are seperated from mainstream society and taught martial arts for a period of weeks. (Like Muay Thai kickboxing camps in Thailand or Band of the Hand . . etc)
invest into various other research areas such as cancer
Take private lessons from Dan Inosanto
If I wasnt married or had a girlfriend either find two beautiful materialistic women and see what that is all about; or hire a $300,000 escort for the night.-----guilty pleasure what can I say
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.- Stephen Hawking