Originally Posted by dalnet22
Do you really think I acted like an ass? I feel like I was being a jackass, but I apologized and explained in the letter. I see your point, though. Thanks, and I hope I can work it out.
According to what you've said, yes.
Look, this girl did like you. She wanted to be with you, but she had some hang-ups. She tried to explain this to you (and probably chose to do it over AIM deliberately, because I don't reckon it was an easy conversation for her) and you, in your own words, 'blew up, getting defensive and whatnot...'
You then decided that the best possible course of action was to avoid her for a week.
So. Here's this poor girl, who's scared out of her wits. She's falling for you and she wants to let it happen, but she's got this whole problem going on in her head that's making her hesitate. She decides to come to you with it and instead of attempting to help her work through it you dismiss it and get upset with her. Now she's hurt, she's confused and she's even more afraid than she ever was because your actions have reinforced her negative view of romantic relationships.
It doesn't matter if you think fear is a legitimate reason for her to be hesitant. The fact that she thinks it is makes it so, and if you don't understand that then you probably have no shot with her anyway. Having said that, if you still want a chance with this girl and you're lucky enough that she'll give you one, then you're just going to have to wait for her to do it on her terms. And when she does, you're going to have to go into it understanding that she's going to have the same fears she did before and that you're going to have to be okay with that. It'll take time for her to get through it and you'll just have to be patient.
Good luck to you sir. You're going to need it.