laugh and make fun usually helps me.
Then when they get all pissed at you, then you can laugh even more because they are dumb and you outwit them ever so easily!
That's mostly for people who are dumb but think they are something special. or lazy people also.
Some people are dumb in certain aspects of life and brilliant in others, I know a man who can't spell worth a damn, some people who call him dumb seeing him write a paragraph. That man runs a multimillion dollar business and is a fucking genius with every aspect, from the shittiest grunt work to the most complicated computer proceedure in the entire business. Some people would call him brilliant at this point.
But since I'm assuming you mean dumb/lazy, it's best to just make fun of them and make your day a little brighter coz its just too fun!
Originally Posted by Crompsin
Menoman is my hero. He masturbates with Brillo pads. And likes it.