Originally Posted by ottopilot
The entire thread should go under humor.
Host and Will, the point I was making (I'll try to be clearer next time) is that we can't count on accuracy, much less absence of political bias, on EITHER side of the media's polital fence. Is there a media presence with conservative bias? Sure. Is there a media presence with liberal bias as well? Absolutely. How can people be expected to filter out all personal bias, whichever direction it leans (although some admittedly do it pretty well, while others totally suck)? Surely you aren't naive enough, host, to believe that
www.newshounds.us, a site whose motto is "We watch FOX so you don't have to" is just keeping FOX honest on their "fair and balanced" schtick.
Sorry to get your blood pressure up. I completely agree with the point you said you were intending to make. It's just that for every FOX, there's a MoveOn.org. If your point is that the conservative bias is more egregious, that seems to me to go more to the issue of whose ox is being gored.