If you look for happiness to come from another person, you will never be happy.
I'm a big believer in that, you can not rely on someone else to make you happy with your life. That is something that has to come from within and as long as that unhappiness remains it will carry over into other aspects of your life, in this specific case her relationship with you. That's kinda what I meant earlier when I was saying that the situation isn't fair on either of you.
At this point in time she's obviously not capable of putting her all into a relationship with you. If she tried and you two got together there would just be more problems because of her current situation, she might really really want to make things work but because of her own unhappiness with herself it just wouldn't.
I can't deal with that. I don't have a problem going out and getting a different girlfriend, moving out and setting things up for whatever I feel like doing in Seattle. I understand her perspective though, it just means that the time isn't right, may never be, and I just need to stop caring so much about the outcome of our interaction.
Shauk when it comes down to it you don't have to deal with that. There's no reason for you to put your emotions on hold until she sorts out what she wants from life.
I still think you need to cut your losses and move on with your life, find someone who can value you for who you are and give you what you want in a relationship. I also still think that cutting off contact with her would be a good idea, not for her sake but for your own, you've made it obvious that you still care about her and being around her is just going to make moving forward more difficult.
What it comes down to for me is you could be waiting around for the next 5 - 10 years waiting for her to sort herself out mentally and emotionally and then she might decide that no she doesn't want you. She doesn't deserve you giving up that much of your life when you could have been happy, no one does.