Originally Posted by kutulu
First of all, are you working? You said you have class from early morning to the afternoon and homework for the rest of the day. How many credit hours are you taking? It must be a lot if all you can do is school. I took 12 credit hours (engineering) and I had class in the morning, work in the evening and homework in between. I was still able to find time to socialize with my gf (wife now). If you have such a stressful workload, maybe you should consider dropping a class or two. As a related note, the degree is just a piece of paper. Keep a reasonable GPA but in the end you don't need a perfect record. Relax and let yourself have some fun.
I'm taking 15 hours. It's the remedial math (I suck horribly at math) that's the hardest, and the constant research and paper-writing for Freshman Comp (I'm not a native English speaker so it takes time for me). I wouldn't stress myself out as much if I didn't need as close to a 4.0 as possible. The local nursing school which I am set on usually only takes in people with a 3.9-4.0 GPA. Anything lower than 3.6 doesn't stand a chance.
Second, have you thought about it from her perspective? It sounds like she's supporting you through college and doesn't get much of a chance for quality time with you because of your schedule. So to fill the void, she's found new friends to hang out with. Maybe you need to be more active in HER life rather than trying to force her into a little box.
I have thought about it. The thing is, I get so little time to do anything, that I'd like to do something that helps me relax. Sitting in a bar does the opposite, it just pisses me off. I watch her co-workers drink and talk about waitresses' asses and I can't help but think that they're fucking losers, the lot of them. I don't enjoy that booze-filled atmosphere, and I am not very good at hiding it, so I don't force myself upon their company.
To more precise: it isn't her hanging out a lot with her friends that bothers me as much as the constant consuming of alcohol, and the changes in her personality that come with it. If she went to bowling or playing chess four times a week, I wouldn't be complaining. It's the drinking that bothers me, especially since she drinks whether she's out with her friends or in the house with me.
I've suggested alternate hobbies, from ballroom dancing to geocaching, from badminton to hiking. These are things I would find relaxing and interesting, but so far we haven't managed to make anything materialize out of that.