i'm going to sound like a broken record, but these people speak the truth. get the fsck out. seriously.
completely cut off all contact with her. resist her at every temptation. don't pick up the phone, block her emails and instant messages, block her on facebook (if you're into that); just get rid of her.
a little more than a year ago,
i was in a situation where i didn't want to let go of someone that was taking me for a ride. she didn't know what she wanted and i did. her family and best friend were manipulating her against me but i refused to let go because we actually "loved" each other at one point. don't get me wrong, it was amazing in the beginning but it didn't last. there were more lows than highs. this is what i see you're in. more lows than highs. if you can't balance it or tip the scale the other way, get out.
once she decided to "move on" and leave me emotionally beaten, she then decided she wanted to still be friends. at the advice of several people here that are much wiser than I, I cut off all contact. to this day I have not spoken to her nor heard anything of her, nor do i ever want to. i've seen random pictures (those which i did not delete from my plethora of hard drives) and one on facebook before I blocked her. that's it.
after a year or so, i'm starting to finally move on. i got my head back into my job and my music. i got into different groups of people and now have a pretty nice life in an area that's relatively new to me. it's a wonderful feeling. try it! you can do this