I think the one of the tightest shows on TV is Human Weapon on the History Channel.
Strange you for sure would learn so much by watching it. Whether it is the original MMA Greeco Pancrasion(sp) fighting all the way through Muy Thai in Thailand, or Krav Maga in Israel.
An assumed risk cannot by nature equate to an unfair blood bath as you atest. If I step into a cage with a tiger I am not going to hold it against him for clawing my throat, its natural. All the same stepping into the ring with a nin-jitsu guy he will dominate the fight on the ground. A Muy Thai guy will kick my leg and probably crush any future hopes of my MCL. But knowing that is part of the rules and doesn't make it dishonorable.
And I hate bringing it up again, but anyone who has been in an actual fight knows that any sense of honor goes out the window once you go into survival mode. Fighting some gabroni at the bar and making sure he cannot hurt you is night and day compared to taking someone to the mat in MMA.
Also the point of skill has been brought up...
Boxers do not harness or utilize much skill out side of a simple discipline. Bob, duck, weave... jab, hook, upper cut. They are phenominal athletes, endurance and muscles I am not belittling that. They are one dimensional, it is natural to throw fists.
MMA you can't just berserk because you will be completely unguarded and exposed lest you drop your opponent. MMA is a strategic sport, thats why they have to utilize such a vast array of disciplines.
Also anybody who cares or likes this shit should watch Fight Science that was done by the National Geographic Channel, shit is ridiculous. And go figure that although boxing at its peak performance can delivers up to 1000 pounds of impact force it was out done by tae kwon do kicks, and most importantly the Muy Thai knee.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.
Last edited by Mojo_PeiPei; 10-29-2007 at 09:30 PM..