I would get the certs eventually if you have the time and the extra money. However, I wouldnt' consider it a job. I'm 19 with three years of working summers doing tech type work. Part time jobs with tech seem to find me. I'm in school to be an engineer but I'm stuck in a rut of computer jobs.
Go into the interivews confident and cool. Be up front about what you do know and what you don't know. More likely than not they will be impressed. If it is a good employer they will understand that piece paper doesn't mean you know something, from what I've found it all comes down to experience in the tech field. I've talked to people that have worked in it for 20 years and I've talked to people that have started their own computer support business with a just a few years experience and no certs who are doing just fine.
Best of luck.
"The South is gonna boogie again"
- Disco Stu