In your last thread you mentioned that if she fucks you over again, or if you can't handle it, this will seal your feelings and finally allow you to get over her.
Buddy, it's now time to walk away without a second thought and never look back.
You mentioned that your were a muso? Then throw yourself into your music again, throw yourself into something. Get out there, meet people, make friends, work hard. Basically, focus your energy one something else, focus your energy on something useful that will help you go further.
It hurts, it sucks, and it will hurt for a while longer. But you have to have faith that this pain will pass. Use it to make you stronger, learn from it, feel it.
Before long, you'll be in a better place, you may even find another woman, and you'll look back and be so glad that this is all behind you now. Don't let this make you angry, don't let it make you bitter, because now, now you'll really appreciate the good times when they happen. And if keep the right attitude, the good times will happen.
But right now, you need to focus on the challenges right in front of you, and the most pressing issue for you to deal with is to just walk away and don't look back.
You are not a slave