you are so not a disgrace to the human race. SHE on the other hand IS!!!
And like Cromp put it, she is a SKANK!
And as I would put it...She is a FUCKIN' WHORE beyond WHORINGS. She gives prostitutes a bad name!!! cos that's exaclt what she is except that she's so cheap she doesnt even charge for it. At least the other ladies make a living.
One day she is going to fall so damn hard and I hope you wont be there to catch her.
Women like these make me go completely BEFOK (afrikaans for extremely pissed off) it just explains it with the emotion that i feel.
You need to get far away from her as possible, but hopefully in Seattle wher e you've got your new job and are trying to make it for yourself.
FUCK HER!!!! you see, no matter who you are or what you've done in the past does not warrant treatment or behavior like that.
I sorry, i have no sympathy for her for whatever comes her way! and it me it will, even if I have to use all my wedding savings just to come and show her myself.
And that goes for Cromps Ex as well!
OH GAAAAAASH, you won't believe how much I hate women who do that to themselves and how they hurt others in the process!
Ok, i'm going to stop bashing now and say that despite all this WHORING!!! the way you described that whole car scene that she explained to you where the guy wa making out with the friend...that made me kinda hot...but i guess it's just my recent endeavours to recruit a threesome partner
anyways, FUCK HER!!!