Exciting Updates:
Yesterday, I started working out with a friend. Feels great, really think I can commit to working out often enough to change my body or at least stay in good shape.
Carried that momentum to the night. Went partying, had a great time, met a girl, we went out a date today.
The date was ... not good not bad. I don't know. How do you know when to call a girl next and initiate another date?
also: I'm not completely over my ex and all of that heartbreak stuff. Meeting this girl definitely helps, but... i guess it's hard to move on. Me and my ex stay in contact and are on good terms, but i haven't told her i went out on this date.
So, i was thinking of leveraging this date to get back with my ex? Or is that crossing to heavily into doosh bag territory? I don't know. I already feel bad for dating this girl as sort of a ... replacement for my ex.
I know that my ex has already been chatting up this other guy and stuff, which is why i think it's best to completely move on . hrm... thoughts?