10-28-2007, 10:47 AM
#7 (permalink)
Pissing in the cornflakes
Originally Posted by JustJess
When you daydream about the life you want, it never includes living it Jerry Springer style, does it?
Great. Get out.
Get out NOW. I don't think she can illustrate how useless and awful she is any better than she has. Please, please, respect yourself. Get out.
You've got a job now, so now is the time to craigslist it up and find yourself a new apartment closer to work. Seriously. Go do that now. Right now. Stop reading TFP and feeling sorry for yourself. You've done that to death, now is the time for fucking ACTION. You got a JOB, you don't need her to survive, so MOVE. Block her cell phone number and her AIM name and any other form of communication. Get a fucking restraining order if you have to. GO DO IT NOW.
I bet you can move by November 1st.
This is going to suck for a long time. Let it. But focus on the anger, not on the sadness... you've been sad long enough. Do you really need any more proof? You don't, you know you don't.
Leave. Now.
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