Originally Posted by Evil Milkman
Why... I can't... even... begin to read... your post... because of these ellipsis... everywhere...
Perhaps, if Host's post is too difficult for you, you can focus on something simple ...Ron Paul's position on environmental regulation that I posted earlier:
Ron Paul on the environment and the EPA:
Q: What makes you the strongest candidate on energy and the environment?
A: On environment, governments don't have a good reputation for doing a good job protecting the environment. If you look at the extreme of socialism or communism, they were very poor environmentalists. Private property owners have a much better record of taking care of the environment
Q: What do you see as the role of the Environmental Protection Agency?
A: You wouldn't need it. Environmental protection in the U.S. should function according to the same premise as "prior restraint" in a newspaper....
Were you around in the early 70s before the federal environmental laws?
With all its faults, can you deny the accomplishments of the EPA and Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, Solid Waste Disposal Act, etc.?
Do you really believe that "private property owners" would have done the same without federal regulation? The pre-1970s state of the environment would suggest that private property owners failed miserably.....dumping raw sewage in lakes, rivers and streams, spewing toxic chemicals out of their smokestacks, burning rubbish in open dumps.....
Or, like samcol, you can just ignore it
Here is why Ron Paul is at low single digits (1-4%) in all national polls.
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